If you don’t know what an extravert thinks, you haven’t been listening. If you don’t know what an introvert thinks, you haven’t asked them!
–Isabel Briggs Myers
Are you a Type A or Type B personality type?
Are we genetically predisposed to a particular personality type?
Does the environment or circumstances we encounter determine our personality?
How does my personality affect my relationships?
These are just a few of the questions that I can help answer.
Personality is when thinking, behavior, character, attitude and feelings are combined. Everyone likes a good personality and every person also wants one. Good personality is very important if you want other people to like you.
Having a better personality is very important for everyone. You can never build up your personality if you stop learning. For example, most would now agree that both nature and nurture play a role in individual development.
Personality constitutes your characteristics, which dictates your behavior. The factors that push you to follow a certain direction are instigated by your personality and, ultimately your character. It influences your reactions, too — what makes you laugh, what makes you cry, what makes you angry.
But your personality doesn’t only influence actions and decisions. Sometimes it’s the other way around. It’s a part of you that’s also constantly evolving. It is shaped as you go through life seeing and feeling things. That’s why as much as your personality largely defines who you are, it can also be the sum of your choices and experiences.
I am a Certified MBTI Practitioner, which qualifies me to administer and interpret the MBTI Step I and Step II instruments and reports. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the most commonly used personality inventories. It is based on the idea that differences in attitudes and behaviors result from the natural tendencies people have to use their minds in different ways. The MBTI measures the way that people take in or gather information; make decisions about what they perceive; the way that we direct and receive energy; and how we approach the outside world. I will help you understand your personality type, explore ways to enhance your strengths, and develop strategies for maximizing your personality. I also use a number of other instruments that can be helpful in the therapeutic process.
In the end, the richness of your life lies in the freedom to be who you are, while also having the liberty to experience, discover, and change if need be.
If you’re interested in learning about your personality type, and how I can help you better understand and maximize your personality, contact me today so we can schedule an appointment.